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Identity, Values and Strengths Exploration

Using the evidence gathered, describe your strengths and limitations.

Growing up I was skateboarding for the better part of a decade. This culture shaped my identity that my identity completely revolved around skateboarding and the nuances that come with it this comes as both a strength, in the way that you become very close with people, and also become a bit of a encyclopaedia of all things skateboarding. The limitations of this were that I wasn’t interested in doing much else.

As I grew older I moved away from this (not for any specific reason) and wanted to explore other hobbies, and not let them define who I am. I think my values of Joy, Excitement, Adventure and Love perfectly fit with who I am now. I’m more outgoing and motivated which helps define both my professional and personal identity (not that they are overly different) and allow to experience and explore my country and have things in common with other people.

Evaluate your strengths and limitations in terms of your learning and career development

I started my tertiary learning studying Graphic Design ay Yoobee, I wasn’t too interested in going down a traditional tertiary education like University. I loved the intimate learning environment which allowed us to lean on each other for help, advice and critique. This is part of the reason that DevAcademy stood out to me.

This is somewhat a contrast to my professional career where I have mainly worked in very small teams, if not individually. I have found a limitation of this is not being able to learn from colleagues that are also working on the same things as me. This is something I am excited by with the prospect of working in a Web Development team. I do love working solely but I am also excited to see a more collaborative environment.

Learning Plan Image
Not Anonymous, but me exploring my identity.

Identify which of your strengths might help you in your learning journey and how they intersect with learning obstacles.

(think) I am good at handling stress and a large workload. I’ve always had other projects or freelance work on the side of full-time employment so this is something I’m used to. I also really enjoy problem-solving the Venn diagram of Graphic Design and Development. This is something I enjoy thinking about critically and find that it produces great ideas and work. I can imagine this will be very beneficial when learning here at DevAcademy.

Share an example from your experience of where you were trying to work productively with others, but there was resistance or tension. Discuss the strategies you used at that time, how effective they were, and your reflections on what other strategies you would try now and why.

My experience with this is few and far between. I think when I have come across situations like this (nothing jumps out to me immediately) is taking the time to listen to everyone’s input, and dropping any ego that might be there beforehand. I find this can work effectively when everyone does the same thing as well. I think on reflection I would still do this - but in a more collaborative way, taking in to account other peoples experience in to account, even if its not entirely relevant.

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