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Personal Learning Plan

1. What is your long term goal or career pathway?

I want to move in to a development role, ideally working within a larger development team working on either front-end web development or other software technologies. I’m leaving this broader as I’m not 100% sure what route I’d like to go down. However I do know that I want to work within a team to learn more about development and learn new skills and technologies.

2. A description of your strengths and limitations when it comes to learning

I see myself as a motivated learner. Giving up a solid job and lifestyle for 15 weeks takes a lot of commitment and I’m mentally prepared to becoming fully immersed in the DevAcademy Bootcamp. I see this a strength of commitment, motivation and eagerness to learn. A limitation would be that I try and work very fast. I’m working on this by remembering to slow down and let the learnings fully marinade. Working on new things like the reflections, and writing a blog post on our learnings has already allowed me to do this and I look forward to taking It further.

Learning Plan Image
Not me getting a headache from learning, but taking in all the great information

3. What skills (non-technical core/human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

Working collaboratively on projects with a team that is also working on the same objectives. I’m looking forward to building on my collaborative team working. Patience could also be a big one, not rushing through trying to get things fixed but instead stepping back and looking at an issue or bug from all angles to fix.

4. A commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme. This should include:

I will commit to being present. Making sure that I’m physically and mentally present at the campus or within projects. I will be asking for help from peers and tutors when I need it. This will help frustration and burn-out when working with such a heavy work-load.I will also take responsible breaks. Responsible in the fact that I know I’m not going to be able to smash out 4 hours of work without a break. Going for a walk, making the most of lunch breaks by doing something physical like running or going to the gym.

5. A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way

When I feel myself getting stuck I will seek help from Tutors and Peers pretty quickly (as long as its a reasonable time). This will be a lot easier when we are all studying at the campus.

6. A description of what you expect from the Facilitation team

I expect the team to be present for us students. I want to feel like I can ask questions and get help when needed. I know this will happen, I just haven’t got to the point when I have needed it yet. I also want to feel respected. I really like idea of “Students learn from the Tutors and Tutors learn from the Students”. Once again, I can tell this is what’s going to happen.

7. Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things.

I don’t have anything planned at the moment. Things can change though and I will work with the team to figure this out as needed. I don’t have any daily commitments (aside from work, which I will be finished with) that I need to attend to currently.

Learning Plan Update: 20/07/2022

What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?

My short term career goal is after studying at DevAcademy is to get into the workforce as a developer, ideally at a larger company where I will be able to work within a larger team and be able to learn a lot from them. Whether this is in software or website I’m not sure. After gaining some experience with development I’d like to merge my design and newfound development skills and work in something like UX or a design/development role. Whether that be for a company, freelancing or contracting out.

What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp?

I dont think I have adjusted my strengths from my initial learning plan, but now I feel more equipped to be able to handle the bootcamp. Using the skills we’ve learnt from the core learning will be very helpful for this.

What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be?

I think staying fully concentrated can sometimes be an issue - but after learning about meditation In the core learning I am better at identifying and fixing this.

What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

I’m keen to develop on all of the skills mentioned, its not something that I’ve particularly spent a lot of focused time on before DevAcademy and Im keen to develop on all of these.

What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team?

Same as before, but im also keen to hear about real-world experiences and to help us set an expectation of what we will experience after the bootcamp.

What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp

I will still commit to giving my full commitment to the bootcamp, im prepared to spend long, productive hours there and to be fully involved. If I feel like im not meeting this commitment then I will work on taking meaningful breaks from developing to reset myself and have the ability to go back with full focus.

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